Look around and you may find the next "Lights Out
The trick is finding the best sites for SHTF fiction. There are many sites which are no longer maintained and feature older works. Most of the sites out there feature original works but also include personal survival stories ("I was lost in the woods..") as well as reading suggestions and movies.
Please note: There is a problem with many authors as they tend to write part time and when the mood strikes them (and when work and home allow!), so some stories are incomplete.
Here are the places I find the best SHTF stories.
OK, this site is mine and has a few short stories in progress, most of which are finished, but all which are not getting enough feedback or criticism to move faster. Please visit and leave a comment.
Note: A Change of Major is my latest story and is nearly complete.
TimeBomb 2000 - Member Stories
This is where Deep Winter, Shattered, We Interrupt This Program and so many other great stories got their start.
Lately, there have not been as many quality entries, but all of the past stories, with the exception of TSherry's work, have been maintained for reading.
The Preparedness Site
This was the old Fallout Shelter 653 website now redone in 2008. This site features the original work of Jerry D Young, probably the most prolific SHTF fiction writer out there, as well as other works.
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The Survivalist Boards
One of my favorite sites to visit. The stories here are first rate and are updated regularly. There are a couple of authors who routinely start stories and never finish them, but that is common with this genre.
However, there are some great stories which will keep you riveted to your seat. Check out Montani Semper Liberi. Gripping story!
Affectionately known as ARFCOM, the Essential Survival Guides and Fiction section of the forum has some great stories.
Since this site is primarily about the AR15 weapon, nearly every story features that particular rifle prominently.
Best picks - Darkest Part of Day I and II. How in the world the author "fast45" can write something of this quality part time is beyond me.
Survival Monkey
Not so many stories, but several made their start here. Worth perusing for new titles.
Frugal Squirrels
Was one of the oldest and greatest. This is where Lights Out started and Gary Ott (Tired Old Man) left his mark. Now, it has been taken down and is no longer available but searching the internet for archived stories may prove useful.
There are other sites which I come across from time to time, but these are a good place to start if you are new to SHTF fiction.
Happy reading!
Advice for the day:
Rain barrels are a great way to save water for home and plant use. Use the down spout of your rain gutters and place an old trash can underneath. It is best to put a piece of screen over the top to keep out leaves and trash and to keep mosquitoes from breeding. There are plenty of "How To" online. Google it.
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Frugal's got rid of their fiction section.
Yes Frugals did but you can find Tired old man and Jerry D.Young posting their works over at Jerry D young.com
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